The past five weeks have been the most interesting of my marketing career. About five weeks ago, the rules of selling and marketing were changing–FAST!
As I spoke with one client in mid-March, he said it seemed almost offensive to be selling.
As a person who loves to study behavior around marketing and advertising, always testing and experimenting, I found the new rules to be nothing short of fascinating..
With all of our marketing service (we do the marketing work for the business) and consulting clients, we have had to work in triple speed to figure out how to pivot and launch new campaigns, all wanting to do this without spending extra money.
If you are still able to operate your business, here are some marketing tips that could be helpful for you in the next couple of weeks:
- People are kind of exhausted with the virus, so if you can reframe something, or leave it out, that might serve you well. For the past couple of weeks, there has been a transition. You still need to be mindful of the situation your customers are in, but they are tired of messages that feel emotionally draining.
- You know this already, but the marketing landscape is changing, week by week, so just pay attention to that as you are planning upcoming campaigns, launches, open houses, etc.
- Online use has spiked. There are many more people online, on social media, paying attention to your messages.
We will continue to adapt and improve in the coming weeks. Constrained environments can produce innovation, and I have been so proud to be an entrepreneur, working with creative, adaptive entrepreneurs over the past few weeks. It has been an invigorating experience.
It’s your turn…what changes have you had to make over the past several weeks?
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